
Final Image:


For these images I used a Canon 700d. For the shots outside I had to change the ISO and white balance in order to create a better composition and to make the image clearer. I struggled with the lighting on the portraits that were indoor and spent a lot of time changing the settings in order to get the lighting correct.


IMG_9145 IMG_9138 IMG_9133 IMG_9058 IMG_9051 IMG_9043 IMG_9032 IMG_9031 IMG_9024

Found Object

Final Image:



My final image is of a Newton’s Cradle I found in a charity shop, I liked the rigid structure of the metal bars so tried to create symmetry within the image by using them. I experimented with depth of field by changing the aperture size, I liked having the front of the Cradle in focus and the back becoming slightly blurred but in the end I decided to have the whole thing in focus.

