Independent Project Intentions Form

Which of the words given in the brief document have you selected, and why?

I selected Globalisation because I feel that the topic of multiculturalism through brands would be interesting to explore.

What do you want to point your camera at?

I want to take photographs of worldwide brands that focus on specific cultures.

Why are you interested in this subject?

Although there are negative effects of globalised brands I feel that they connect different cultures in ways which would be otherwise impossible.

What do you hope an audience will take from your images?

I hope an audience will consider how they are connected to the rest of the world.

What areas of research are you considering to help deepen your understanding of the subject you have chosen?

I have read many articles online on how restaurants use different food cultures to entice customers and I am looking into some books on global branding.

What practitioner(s) or visual resources would you consider to have influenced you?

Brijesh Patel’s work on shop fronts and high streets have influenced my decisions on where to take photographs from a lot, I plan to make my images very linear, similar to his style.

What support or equipment might you need to achieve your goals?

I plan to use the Canon 700D and a standard tripod.